If you are truly serious about exploding your Twitter list and starting to make some serious money than you've come to the right place!


Dear Friend,

Let's face it, today all the successful marketers use twitter. The advent of social media has really revolutionized the way that we, as internet marketers, make money online and Twitter has been described as the silver bullet for marketers.

The problem is that most people do not know how to use it to its full potential!

A lot of people simply sign up and make the same old boring tweets day after day and expect, somehow, that thousands of buyers in their niche will flock to follow them. Unfortunately, what inevitably happens is that almost no-one follows them and even less people are interested in reading their tweets.

What If there was a way to build thousands of quality, targeted followers automatically?

That's right...the Tweet Scope system is automated to handle the time consuming task of hunting out targeted followers for your niche and adding them to your twitter account. This is literally a fire and forget system! Simply select your keywords and watch the system churn away adding potential prospects to your twitter list.

So What Benefits Do I get From Using Tweet Scope?

  • You will discover our automated process to generate massive amounts of targeted, niche specific followers using our legitimate methods.
  • You will be able to use our special software to automate most of your twitter marketing and start filling your pockets with cash straight from your twitter account.
  • You will be able to develop near-instant twitter client lists on almost any niche you choose
  • You will be able to blast your marketing message out at will to your newly acquired list of targeted, niche specific, twitter followers.

Just imagine being able to fill your bank account with just the press of the message send button!

Features of Tweet Scope 1.0

Allows use of Multiple Twitter Accounts

Targetted Keyword Searches

Auto-Following of Prospects

Un-Following Users Not Following You

Direct Private Messaging to Followers

Self Hosted PHP Script


Keyword Targetting

The fact is that targeting is everything with Twitter. In order to achieve the kind of Twitter income that you are looking for you need to ensure that your list is targeted to a particular niche. The more precise the keyword targeting of the list is, the more beneficial those twitter users are to you.

Tweet Scope allows you to target your follows based on keywords and this means that you can build a super targeted list for ANY niche or subject that you choose.

Can you imagine having the ability to develop a huge sales list within days on any niche imaginable? Just think of the income possibilities available to you with Tweet Scope.

Direct Messaging

That's right folks...finally the one option that most Twitter systems lack...Direct Messaging. With a simple push of a button you can blast your marketing message out to the thousands of people on your twitter list. Not simply sending a tweet and hoping someone is there to read it but actually sending a message directly to their private twitter inbox...just think of the sales that you can generate in minutes!

Automatic Un-following

It's always exciting when you've added thousands of new Twitter followers but what about those Twitter people that choose not to follow you back? Thankfully the Tweet Scope system identifies those people and with the use of our Un-follow function you can immediately remove them from your account.

So lets understand exactly what Tweet Scope can do for you...

Firstly, you specify the type of followers that you are looking for through the use of keywords (This gives you a super targeted list). You can then set Tweet Scope to search through the real time conversation occurring on Twitter, and whenever it discovers the keyword that you selected it will automatically follow that person.

Obviously, your follower count will explode with people reciprocating and following you back. This is the growth that we are striving for...daily follows from interested people in your chosen niche.

Then taking this great list of laser targeted followers that you have developed...you can start to send them related marketing messages directly via their Twitter private inbox and then watch the sales start to roll in.

So What Do I Need To Run This Amazing Software?

You need a website with the following Technical Specifications (This is standard for most hosting)

PHP 5 with PDO extension


Apache with htaccess enabled

An empty database

So Are You Ready To Revolutionize Your Online Marketing and Start Profiting From The Social Media Craze?


YES! I am Ready To Claim My Exclusive Copy Of Tweet Scope 1.0

I Understand That I'll Get:

Immediate Access to Tweet Scope

Ability to start Profiting from Twitter by sending and marketing niche related messages.

A Powerful marketing interface that will allow me to grow a huge Twitter list

A 100% - 30 Day Unconditonal Money Back. Guarantee. Simply email us and we will immediately refund your purchase if your not satisfied.


Limited Time Offer!

P.S. If you are really serious about growing a targeted, profitable twitter list and leveraging them to your advantage, then why not try Tweet Scope 1.0. I know for a fact that you will immediately see results!




This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Twitter, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Twitter. 2Checkout.com is an authorized reseller of goods and services provided by TweetScope.net and in no way endorses this product.

